We used the camera 4x5", I've already use this camera a lot of times so I know to use it.
I let the others try it more instead and try to help them the best I could.
The 4x5" is a different type of camera, you need to use a extern cell and to do the focus you need to put a black sheet on your head and use a weaver's glass on the back of the camera.
There is also a bigger size, it's 20x25".
We used development paper but normally it's sheet film. But that would've been too long to process the film.

I really love the 4x5" you can have a amazing definition, and that make wonderful pictures but the sheet film are really expensive unfortunately.
I might use it again though for macro photography because it would be a great resolution but for that you need a incredible amount of light to be able to do focus close, and I would probably lose the texture I want.